Sunday, October 19, 2014

Router upgrades!

I wanted to play with some IPv6 addressing and found my router's IOS couldn't handle it. I found a newer IOS for the 1841 that could. In order to use it two of my routers needed more flash space and more RAM. I ordered the ram off Ebay for $19 total and ordered the CompactFlash cards on Newegg for ~$26. None of it official Cisco parts but good enough for my lab. Links are to what I actually bought. I have installed everything and they all work great. I wanted to share how I did it.

Installing the memory Modules

Installing the memory requires taking the router off the rack and opening it.

 Steps for opening the router:

  1. flip router on back and remove the single screw closest to the faceplate side of the router. (marked in yellow)
  2. Use a flat screwdriver and put it in one of the slots (marked brown) and rotate 90 to separate the cover from the case. (should look like image 2)
  3. Carefully flip the router right side up with the faceplate facing you. Pull the cover toward you and it should slide right off. Now you can see the inside and where the RAM should go.  (Marked in yellow)
  4. Insert the Ram in the slot at an angle (much like laptop ram). push in until the pins are fully in the slot.
  5. Then push the top of the RAM down till it clicks in place.
  6. Slide the cover back on, put the screw back in, now you're done.

Installing the CompactFlash  Card

Installing the Flash card requires formatting the card than bringing the IOS over TFTP.

Steps for installing the Flash card:

  1. Allow the router to fully boot and wait till the access light stays off.
  2. Pull out the original card and Insert the new one.
  3. In privileged mode use the command "format flash:" It will ask you to confirm twice than format the card.
Now that the card is formatted we can bring over the new IOS image.
  1. Set up an IP address on a port you can use. I used port "f0/1" and set the IP to "" (My pc uses the address "")
  2. On your computer start you TFTP server. Make sure ports are open in the firewall if need be. make sure your new IOS is in the servers folder. I use OpenTFTP and it defaults to "C:\OpenTFTPServer"
  3. In the router's console, in privileged mode, enter "copy tftp flash". after that it will ask for the address of the TFTP server (in my case ""). Then it will ask for the name of the IOS to transfer (in this case "c1841-advipservicesk9-mz.151-4.M1.bin"). It will ask what the IOS should be named on the router (I just use the default and hit enter). Now the Transfer will start.
  4. After the transfer is done the new cards should be ready.

Here is the device recognizing the new RAM and the CompactFlash card

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